Tag Archives: TATOO BIKE

Brass Balls Bobber “TATOO BIKE”

This is the “Showbike” and is in MINT Showroom Condition. This bike is very special as is was Brass Balls Bobbers Original Show Winner at numerous events (Sturgis and Daytona) and has been in a collection ever since. It has a great history, was in featured in Easy Rider, Big Twin TV etc.. many videos of the owner explaining building the motorcycle and its history are on you tube.. just look for Tatoo Bike. It would take me all day to say what you can see in the video if your interested in this bike. The workmanship on this motorcycle is UNREAL, if you … Continue reading

Posted in Brass Ball Bobbers | Tagged Bobber, Bobber Motorcycle, Brass Balls Bobber, Motorcycle, TATOO BIKE | Comments Off on Brass Balls Bobber “TATOO BIKE”